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How to Become a Better Man - Part 1

How to Become a Better Man - Part 1



How to Be a Better Man in 10 Easy Steps



Being a better man is probably one of the ultimate goals of everyone. Obviously, this isn't always easy, but there are still are several tricks that one can use to develop himself. To help you achieve this—here are 10 tips that can easily be applied to your everyday life.

If your spouse refused your first proposition, we bet that if you put the 10 following tips in application—she won't refuse your second demand.


Before we continue, make sure to grab your copy of our brand new Free ebook: The ultimate Beard in 10 easy steps!





1 - Be Gentleman

You remember all those little comments that your mother used to tell you when you were younger? Like: '' Hold the cutlery properly son '''' Always hold the door for a lady son ''—'' Always take off your hat when you enter a room son''—etc ... Although they are unwritten rules—they still are the founding basics of the gentleman. If you want to be a true gentleman, nothing easier: You just have to pretend like your mother is always nearby well prepared to reprimand you for every little thing you'll forget to do right. It's simple, if your mother would've wanted you to do a certain thing, simply do it. Because mothers are always right.


Here is a gentleman holding the door for his wife



2 - Know How to Cook

The era where the kitchen was strictly reserved for women is now over. Women should now be able to have a little break from cooking and be able to relax while their man prepares the dinner. In a modern world, men should know how to cook well, or at least try. Women love when you try. Even though your dish may be rather standard, it can always be perfectioned with a little plate presentation. Which will make you look like an excellent cook.


Here is a man cooking with his wife



3 - Be Resourceful and Brave

No need to be an engineer to be a resourceful person. To be resourceful, you just have to want it and to be brave. Learning to do things for yourself (DIY) will benefit you throughout your life and surely make you a better man. Women just love a man that can chop wood, do the dishes, built a house and do massages.


Here is a resourceful man making a fire



4 - Always Be Honest and Loyal

What distinguishes gentlemen from men? It is obviously their loyalty and honesty. If you want to be a better man, this point is crucial. Be true to yourself and to others. Above everything, never let someone took the blame for your actions and errors, if he is not entitled to it.


Here is men's shaking hands



5 - Be Humble

To be a better person, it is important not to have a too big ego and to be modest. One must be able to take criticism and defeat, and emerge stronger and be better. Being humble will grant you great rewards.


Here is an humble man








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