7 Reasons why you Need to Grow a Moustache
We see beards everywhere these days—there are beards of all style and length. On the other side, mustaches seem to be less common. Why? Just because as impressive as they are—they can be imposing and frightening to grow. Of course, iconic characters such as Hulk Hogan or Charlie Chaplin helped to popularize the mustache but there are still too many men who are scared to grow a stache.
Here's for you 7 good reasons why you need a mustache.
Before we continue, make sure to grab your copy of our brand new Free ebook: The ultimate Beard in 10 easy steps!
1 - You are a Pipe smoker
If you are an old-school pipe-smoker—you unquestionably need a mustache to increase your credibility. This is even more important if you have no beard at all—you already look retro with your pipe, better complete that look with a thick mustache right?
2 - The Hells Angels Refused You in their Club
Clean-shaven, you took your scooter, went ahead and gave your candidacy to your local bikers group. Unfortunately for you, they didn't have too much difficulty to refuse your application. Obviously, if you had worn a big bushy mustache with a beard—chances are you'd looked more serious and greatly increased your chances of getting in. Who knows, maybe you'll be riding on a Harley these days! Now, you know what you need to be ready for your next meeting!
3 - You are an Androgynous
Your name is Camille or Dominique? You have difficulty to bring out your masculinity? People have difficulty to determine your gender? Well, let your mustache grow! Then you'll be able to leave your porn magazines at home—as there will be no ambiguity. See for yourselves—whit a mustache— you'll be called gentleman like never before.
4 - You want people to Unroll the Red Carpet
You're tired of going out incognito everywhere you go? You want to be seen, and impress the gallery? You just have to grow a mustache! Then you'll see all heads turn towards yourself when walking the hallway at work. As for the pretty secretary that you've been stalked all this time, bet that now she'll see you!
5 - You want to have your Dream's Job
You know what you want to do in life. You have three options. Above all, you want to become a dictator. If that doesn't work, you want to be a plumber, a truck driver or a hunting guard. Finally, as last resort, you dream of being a porn star—fortunately for you, the moustache would undoubtedly increases your chances of getting hired in each of those jobs.
6 - You want a Rich and Unbridled Sex Life
You want to be the cunnilingus master and want to tickle the clitoris of women under the duvet? You need and you want the moustache! Mustache tickles, it's rock and roll, it's manly and frankly, it makes her scream—With a mustache, you'll be a step ahead over the beardless. Women love mustaches, women love you.
7 - You Want to be Ready for the Movember
November is fast approaching gentlemen. In support to all who are experiencing male disease—all men are encouraged to grow a mustache during this month. During this good deed, it is obviously the perfect time for you to experiment daring and outlandish mustache styles. If you have the heart at hand, you can also make donations to the Movember Foundation.