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10 Must Read Books to Achieve Success

10 Must Read Books to Achieve Success



10 Books to Read to Achieve Success



Take a moment and think about all the people that you know—All those exceptional people, who are influential and successful in life.

What do they have in common?

In order to be where they are today, they definitely have a completely different mindset than the average citizen and are probably super productive.

Of course, you will naturally be tempted to say that those people are lucky or that they just have talents that you don't have. Some of you will even be jealous of them. Obviously, you should not be, because you too could be an exceptional person.

What those people have in common, is their passion to stay tuned and to keep learning about all aspects of life. In this blog post, you'll be presented the 10 best business books that will help you achieve success in your life—After reading those books, you will be able to raise your game a notch.


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1. How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

If you're struggling to build and maintain strong reputations with the world around you—reading this book should be mandatory for you. This bestseller of the American Dale Carnegie aims to help you develop your popularity and influence within a group, and even into new groups—This book will give you some advice and practical tips, which you can apply in your daily life right away.


book cover how to win friends and influence people





2. Purple Cow - Seth Godin

Marketing a product is one thing, but make taking a product to life is another thing, and if you don't know how to do it, it can lead to the failure of your brand. Seth Godin, the marketing expert behind Yahoo—Explain in this book how to create and present a product that stand-out from the competition and from what is currently available on the market. According to Godin, by creating a new product, that is different from those who already existed, you are also creating his marketing.


book cover purple cow





3. Focal Point - Brian Tracy

Whether you are a businessman or not, you need discipline, concentration and, organization to succeed in life. Sure, it sounds cliche and easy to do—Bbut when you have a thousand things to do and think—It can sometimes be difficult to finish a singular task before starting something new. The Focal Point book, by Brian Tracy, is exclusively available in English. It will help you reorganize your daily methods to become as productive as possible in your work andpersonnal life.


book cover focal point





4. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

Positive thinking is a real action of your brain. Unfortunately, far too many people ignore or overlook this mental process. Against what one might think—The way you think—Have a significant impact on your future. It is the foundation of success. This book is dedicated to everyone wishing to change their state of mind, and to live with positive thoughts and energies. This book by Napoleon Hill certainly earns its place in the top 5 successful and influential books.


book cover think and grow rich





5. The Magic of Thinking Big - David Schwartz

In life, the only real barrier that prevents you from moving forward and accomplishing your goals is yourself. You've probably heard of magical thinkings, right? The worst enemies of success are the procrastination and negative thoughts—If you have difficulty to stay motivated, inspired, and stop procrastinating—This book by David Schwartz should give you a boost. This could even benefit your wallet at the end of the month.


Book cover magic of thinking big





6. The One Minute Manager - Ken Blanchard

This book by Ken Blanchard aims to help you as a manager, to reorganize your time and your processes—In order to be more productive. He explains the importance of personal fulfillment and balance. This book is written very simply and you can read it very quickly. If you have a management book to read, start with this one.


Book cover one minute manager





7. Man’s Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankel

Inspired by his experience as captive in the Auschwitz concentration camp—Viktor Frankel presents a quite extraordinary book. During his journey, he realized that how people imagined their future while being prisoners, had a strong influence on their longevity. For Frankel, it is really important to be able to determine a positive purpose in any event. If you're struggling to get your head out of the water, this book might help you breathe again.


Book cover mans search for meaning





8. 4 Hour Work Week - Tim Ferriss

In business, an unwritten rule states that if you don't make money while sleeping, you don't have time to sleep yet. If you dream is about doubling your income by working less, this book is a must to read. According to the Ferriss manifesto, by identifying tasks that are most critical, there are ways to automate all processes and recipes.


Book cover 4 hour work week





9. Lean Start-Up - Eric Ries

If you are starting a business or already own a business—This book by Eric Ries, could save you a lot of time, resources, and money. Reading it is essential—This book will teach you how to adapt your business or/and product(s) with the conditions of a market to make it viable.


book cover lean startup





10. The Monk and the Riddle - Randy Komisar

This book by Randy Komisar provides an excellent foundation for new entrepreneurs who want to start new businesses. The author explains the importance to be passionate about what you do, and how to see things in the right way during the ups and downs of creating a business. After reading this book, you'll realize how important it is to have the heart at work for the well-being of a company. This is fundamental.


Book cover monk and the riddle




Of course, this list of the best success books could have been much longer ... But, these few books are a nice starting point—They'll help you develop yourselves and your skills. They will also help you achieve all your goals and grow more revenues.







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